I hope they do not disclose the victim's name, in keeping with victim's rights legislation. I also hope these disclosures about her diagnosis of a lower than normal IQ, and mental age level are not told to the community, to further ruin her life. The American's With Disabilities Act had a disclosure clause, making this information illegal to give to media, or the public, or to law enforcement, or anyone else. It is a right to privacy act for the disabled, which is a protected class. The ill treatment in TN of rape victims, and the disabled, alike is still rampant, as these laws are daily violated. They still blame the victim in the rape cases, asking why they committed certain acts that they feel caused it, as if it is the victim's own fault in that they must have been "asking for it." The disabled in TN are shunned, mocked, humiliated, and the disability itself is used as a slur. Shame on the media and law enforcement making this case public, as it will leak out who the victim is, further victimizing her! My family has been through something similar, and we know what the disclosure laws were written into being to prevent, as we have been victims of these acts ourselves! TN is still plain RED NECK!