MR. ALAN WEST SEES THE LIBERAL HYPOCRISY AS DO I, and neither of us are shocked at their typical Democrat double standards. It is standard Democrat liberal lame stream to hate Christians over the gay marriage debates, and hate Republican religious right Christians over all Democrat white elephants such as gay marriage/ abortion issues / porn "rights", and their socialism where those that work a job pay for those that do not... as the Christians and Republicans do not support Democrats in this, nor do they support Democrats wanting to bring in religious censorship on homosexuality, wanting to censor the Bible as hate speech on scriptures pertaining to homosexuality, as Democrats were so shocked to see these hate speech laws now overturned by the Federal Supreme Court... It angered Democrats that Christians had free speech rights, the "legal right to debate the issue," upheld, and that indeed freedom of religion, and congress passing no law impeding religion meant keeping the state [big government Democrat collectivists boards and bureaus ] out of our churches and their doctrines! Oh at how they want freedom of speech for those supporting their agenda, and not freedom straight across the board to ensure the legal rights of those that oppose them, even to the point they wanted to overturn the constitutional freedom of religion and freedom of speech, calling the constitution an "out dated document," as it gave legal rights to citizens to oppose their viewpoint. Indeed their support of Islam, knowing all the loss of all civil rights under Islamic Sharia law, is just another of the items on the list of Democrat hypocrisies. When they act as though Christians and Republicans do not support civil rights or freedoms, we indeed have much cannon fodder to use against them in returning fire, as they do not support anyone having civil rights but those that they choose to support. At least we support freedom straight across the board, rather than their one sided agenda. When it comes to not supporting personal individual freedoms, the Democrats need to get the giant plank out of their own eye before they set out to get the tiny speck out of the Republican party's eye!
Carrie Geren Scoggins Political Newsletter