End Times Prophecy News Update,
Scripture does state to "be of a sober mind," 1 Peter 5 verse 8 and 9. However, this is not what one would consider sins that are
"weightier" sins of the law, in my opinion, as blaspheming [certain types such as speaking against the Holy Spirit, can NEVER be forgiven,] witchcraft [new age, wicca, spell casting] is a sin that which God reserves the lower parts of hell, sexual sins as they
"defile the spirit," changing scripture [adding to or taking away from the Word of God, ending in one's name removed from the Lambs book of life, Revelation 22 v 18+19], judging others [as we judge others we will be judged, affecting our own receiving of mercy on judgment day,]and homosexuality being the end
result of their having left God going over into other religions, then God gave them over to a reprobate mind, that described in Romans chap.1.
The scripture states to be of a sober mind, which is wisdom from God, and indeed He instructs us to not become intoxicated keeping sober mind.
End Times Prophecy News Update,
Carrie Geren Scoggins