[my video on Biblical View Of New Age, Neo Paganism, Witchcraft]
I must say that Yoga is not Christian, and as a Christian remembering Romans chap 1, that going out into other religion is what causes an individual to be given over to a reprobate mind, if they "knew who God was and refused to serve Him as God," then "went over and worshiped the creation rather than the creator," going out into other religions, then they are give over to a reprobate mind. THE 8TH STEP OF YOGA IS ASTRAL PROJECTION, FOCUSING UPON ONES CHAKRA'S AND PROJECTING ONESELF. IT IS A NON CHRISTIAN TENANT OF A PAGAN RELIGION, TOUCH NOT THE UNCLEAN THING. Remembering also the story of Joshua being awakened by an angle telling him to go and get, then burn, a pagan item inside someone in their camp's tent. Several had died as this unclean "accursed" item was inside their tent. Joshua goes and gets this pagan item and removes it, burning it. The deaths stopped. Where the hedge is broken the serpent will bite, Ecc. Remembering the hedge God took from around Job at Lucifer's request, we do not want our hedge broken, nor a serpent biting us. Do not break you hedge due to sin, the sin of delving into paganism, or non Christian faiths. It is NOT all paths lead to God.
I made a short video on the new age movement, while it is mostly geared toward Wicca, it also touches on aspects of new paganism, new age, such as the influx of Hinduism and eastern theologies into our culture, where the US has been de Christianized. Again, were not to delve into any other religions, even mildly, and the 8th step of Yoga is astral projection, so no focusing in one's Chakra's kiddies:
Carrie Geren Scoggins Political Newsletter Bible Prophesy Times
[my video on Biblical View Of New Age, Neo Paganism, Witchcraft]
http://youtu.be/vqku3yb9vOM CLICK LINK FOR VIDEO

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