AFTER SEEING "BEHIND THE HEADLINES," ON FOX NEWS SAYING HOMELAND SECURITY STOCK-PILED MILIIONS OF ROUNDS OF AMMO TO USE ON TERROISTS, AND LISTED TEA PARTY MEMBERS ON THAT LIST OF SUSPECTED TERRORISTS, SHOWS THE ABUSE OF A PUBLIC OFFICE IS SAME AS IRS, AND NSA, AND THIS IS ILLEGAL, ALSO, FOR THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT THAT THEY TARGETED, AND FALSELY ACCUSED OF BEING SUSPECTED, IT IS SEP OF CHURCH AND STATE AND RELIGOUS DISCRIMINATION! THEY NEED TO BE SUED! I HOPE THEY GET ARRESTED! 29 Groups are sueing the IRS, hope then it will be NSA, thenn Homeland Security. General Boykin told that the office of Homeland Security illegally sent out memos to all law enforcement saying fundamentalist Christians were to be suspected of terrorism, so they can be sued for the state illegaly stigmatizing a religious group, and discrimination. It is anti Christian hate crimes!